We are your trusted local courier with same-day, professional services.

We provide professional pick up and delivery services to businesses and residents throughout Southern California. We will come to you and can deliver anything that you may need - letters, envelopes, packages, blueprints, floral arrangements, garments, medical specimens, court filings, and so much more.


When you need your package
delivered without any stops


2-3 hours
(depends on distance)


4-6 hours
(most economical)

We Are Local
and Here For You!!

We are a family-owned, local business!

For over 30 years, Pasadena Courier Inc. has been a leading resource in delivering time-sensitive packages and materials all over California. We’ve built our business on a bedrock of client trust, efficiency, and professionalism. We care for what’s yours like it’s ours. Whether you need to send secure legal documents, material samples from clients, large bulk shipments to an office, fragile packages for loved ones, or a catering order for your team, Pasadena Courier gets your delivery there on-time and safely.

With a focus on reliability, versatility, and efficiency, our team provides courier solutions for businesses, professionals, and families. Our team follows through with your delivery order from beginning to end, and will provide timely updates particularly with sensitive packages. Call us today to get a quote for your delivery needs.

Our Clients


What We Deliver


What We Deliver

Have Questions?

Call or email us with your request details and we will provide you with a quote. After paying online, your delivery will get matched with one of our drivers and vehicles. Receipts will always be emailed for your records.



Why Our Customers Choose Us!


We're the quickest courier service. We'll get your delivery done, even outside of business hours.

Trusted & Secure

With thousands of runs across 30 years of experience, we understand the importance of maximum integrity delivery. We are also fully insured and bonded.

On Time

Our local, experienced drivers grew up on these roads and understand how to navigate efficiently through the L.A. traffic.

What Our Customers
Say About Us

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